I always thought Braden would end up with the first broken bone, but McKenna decided she wanted the title more! On September 15th she was riding her ripstick at the neighbors house in the morning and fell off it and hit her arm. The neighbor was sweet and gave her a bag of ice to put on it, she came home crying and I put a different ice pack on it. She cried for awhile but could move it just fine. It was her wrist and she could bend it and move her fingers. After awhile she said she felt better and wanted to go and play so I let her thinking we would check on it later anyway. A few hours later she came back home in tears because it got bumped and it hurt. It was swollen at that point so I made the decision to just take her in.
We get there and she was so upset about the possibility of having a cast - that's all she could think of. The doctor came in and was able to squeeze it without her yelling in pain. At that point I started really doubting me taking her in. So they x-rayed it and I was fully prepared to hear - it's just a sprain. I was in shock myself when they said her wrist was broken.
They put on a temporary splint until swelling went down. It was hard to keep her still. We went back when we were supposed to but they said another couple of days because it was still really swollen. On the way home McKenna said, "I'm sure it is swollen because someone bumped me when I was playing 4-square." At that point I decided it would be best to keep her home for a couple of days from school until we could get the cast on it.
Finally we got the cast on it, people have signed it and it seems to be going well. Still need to get it x-rayed again to make sure everything is healing well. But so far, so good.
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