Tuesday, October 2, 2012

BYU Visit

After we dropped Tyler off at my brother's, we decided to drive around Springville and Provo a little and remember the good ol' days! We wanted to eat lunch at BrandX Burgers, but they went out of business - so sad! Then while in Provo we stopped and walked around campus a little and went to Legacy hall. Kind of like an athletic museum of all the great BYU players. We thought it was really cool!

McKenna in front of that wall

We also got to see the team practicing. We didn't see Riley Nelson though and McKenna was pretty sad about that. She loves Riley Nelson.

After Provo, we drove to Sandy and persuaded my sister and her two kids to drive back to Idaho for a week visit. So we packed and loaded everyone up and I had the opportunity to drive Katie's car back. It was fun - I don't get the chance to drive cars much anymore.

While she was here we tried to do fun things. We did get to go to Fat Cats and go bowling and of course play the arcade games. We most just hung out though.

McKenna and Kylie were excited that I rode with Katie because they each got a turn to sit by their cousins. They love Samantha and Morgyn and interacting with them.
My sister will understand the signifigance of this picture the most. But all I can say is she is AWESOME driving on I-15 on a Saturday with a bunch of crazy people! :)

We stayed the night with Katie and her family and got to get some school shopping in - which was good. The funniest part, and I don't mean to embarrass anyone, but we walked into the mall in Sandy and needed to go downstairs. So we hop on the escalator to come down - the girls first and of course Braden jumped on but I am holding his hand so I had to hurry and jump on and Allen got on after me, but poor Tyler was at the top and was afraid to come down. I don't blame him, if you don't ride them often (like never), then it is really scary. Once Allen got to the bottom he went back to the top to help get him on. But it was kind of a funny moment of trying to get him on it.

Long and exhausting week but so much fun!