Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

WARNING! Funny picutres ahead!

So, on Friday, May 14th, it was our 11th wedding anniversary. It is crazy to think we've been married for that long so far - and compared to others, we're still just babies. I was telling Allen that unlike birthdays, I enjoy having this number go higher. Lots of ups and a few downs. Definitely twists and turns, but I can't imagine sharing this ride with anyone else. We've definitely aged, although I don't feel older!

Allen had to work and was out of town for the night. He did get me some flowers, which are awesome and maybe next week we'll be able to go to dinner.

Love ya babe!

Mother's Day

Mother's day was a nice day! Allen woke up super early and made us all breakfast and then off to church we went. I got a viking bar after sacrament meeting - with almonds - yum! I had a wonderful nap and got to get together with my mom for dinner. The kids made a few presents and cards - which were wonderful! As a gift for both mother's day and father's day, Allen and I bought a new painting to hang on the wall. It's of the Rexburg Temple. We love it and can't wait to get it hung where we want it. Anyway, it was a fabulous day!


What to say about Braden? He is into EVERYTHING! Nothing is safe. He isn't a fan of church either. I am really glad that Allen is back to our ward now and helps with him so much. We are counting down the days until nursery! This is one of his favorite new toys. A little blow up innertube thing. Maybe he knows something I don't and is preparing for a flood?!

Then there was this incident. Last Saturday he was in the girls room. There was a crash and a lot of screaming. The best we can guess is he was climbing on something and fell and hit his face on the bookshelf in their room. These pictures don't do it justice, but he had a black eye for a few days. Poor little guy. We have a feeling he will be the one who will first have to have stitches at some point! Either way, he sure is fun to have around.

Bountiful Baskets

So I have wanted to do bountiful baskets for awhile now. Honestly though it really frightened me. How do I do it? I don't know where to start. What if I don't like what we get? My good friend Erin (thank you so much!) called me up one night and said she would order it for me the first time and see if I liked it or not. Allen and I met her and her husband over at the pick up place and this is what we came home with. I feel really good about it. I liked what we got...all sorts of goodies - a lot for your money's worth. Allen and I decided we were going to do it again. Hopefully, I will remember to order on monday! So, for those of you out there who are too afraid to do it as well...I say do it!


A few weeks ago, I noticed that McKenna had a tooth that was sticking out farther than her other teeth. I looked in there and the permanent tooth had already come through. I told her to start wiggling it to get it out of there or the dentist was going to have to do it. We had a teeth cleaning scheduled for May 6th, so I told her to try hard. During this time, Tyler told her all sorts of horror stories. How the dentist was going to give her a shot and use pliers to get it out and that it hurts badly. Sadly, Tyler would know. He has rarely lost any teeth the old fashioned way. Most of his have had to be pulled.

You can imagine McKenna's anxiety the day it was time to go the dentist and there was still a tooth in there. However, luckily it was really loose and hanging by not a lot. I sure didn't want to pull it out. It really grosses both Allen and I out. So the dentist gave it a little pull and it came out with no problem. McKenna didn't even know he got it out for her. You can imagine Tyler's disappointment when there was no pain associated for McKenna - and even more disappointment that he has an appointment next week to get two more teeth pulled. Sad.

Anyway, McKenna was on cloud nine! They put her tooth in this little green plastic tooth for safe keeping. We were lucky that it was actually in there that night. The tooth fairy did come and she is happy that her first tooth fell out - and it didn't hurt!