Thursday, July 23, 2009

It doesn't get better then this!

Seriously! I had another birthday come and go. It was awful in the fact that it was the hottest day of the year so far - ugh - but it doesn't get better then having this great bunch around to celebrate with.

Month of July

So far we've had a pretty good month. Tyler got to attend his first boy scout camp. He was away all day and they had lots of different "stations" where they did all sorts of stuff. Made swords, painted some wood thing, a bike course - all sorts of fun activities. I made him let me take his picture in his uniform. I told him if he wasn't good and didn't let me take it, I would have to follow him to camp. He quickly gave in!

The day after boy scout camp, we were trying to find our toilet paper supply. We knew we put it in a closet and when we went to get it, it wasn't there. Talk about being ticked off! Finally we found it. What the heck? I guess someone was afraid of running out. Of course nobody would own up to it!

We decided to try and feed Braden his first rice cereal. Either he doesn't like it, or it is hard for him to get the hang of it. I guess we will keep trying. Although he really is interested in food and eating!

And finally, it has been definitely warm enough to visit the water park. There seems to be more and more people there all the time so we left early to get a good spot. The kids sure do enjoy being able to play here whenever we feel like it!

Monday, July 6, 2009


I didn't mean for it to happen again, but there are 6 new updates posted. My camera needed new batteries for me to upload pictures. Finally it is done. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th!

July 4th was great this year. Last year we went to Rigby Lake to watch the fireworks the night before the 4th and we said we weren't going to do it again. However, we found ourselves at Rigby Lake on Friday the 3rd. This year it was a lot better - we parked right by the lake, and we were able to quickly get out.

The next morning we accidentally overslept. I dropped Allen off at the parade route about 7 a.m. to find a good spot with shade. Luckily there was one spot left. Allen waited while I went back and got the little people ready. We made it back to the parade route and waited and had fun. It was so funny because only in Rexburg would we be bundled up in our coats and blankets. It was actually quite cold in the shade.

The parade went well. Tyler didn't participate in getting the candy this year - he was the keeper of the bag instead. McKenna and Kylie did a great job snatching up all the candy they could. I love McKenna's expressions - so serious and concentrating so hard! The funniest part was when a princess was walking around and she came up and gave McKenna a hug. McKenna turned around and the look on her face was priceless. A total look of someone who just got cooties! There were a lot of people around us who just started laughing. It was priceless.

Later that night, my parents came over for a bbq and fireworks. The little people could hardly wait for the fireworks. This year the girls were very afraid of the sparklers though - but eventually they got the hang of it.

Braden handled everything very well. He would look around for a little while, then get bored and fell asleep. Kind of funny.

All in all, it was a great day but the weekend went too fast!

Kylie's Bike Riding

We knew Kylie wouldn't be too far behind. On July 4th she decided she wanted her training wheels taken off. She did awesome and drove away just fine!

4 Wheeler

Our friends Lauren and Cody came for dinner last Thursday. They were so kind and brought their four wheelers. The kids love to ride around on them. I was hesitant and drove really slow with them on. Lauren however, brave, let the girls actually drive the four wheeler. They loved ever minute of it. I couldn't get a good picture of Tyler. I guess he was driving too fast. I just the thought the picture turned out really well!

random photos of braden

Just some funny pictures of Braden. I couldn't get the last one to turn the right way..sorry. But he loves having his arm up in the air. He is so funny. We took him to the dr last week. He is now 4 months old and weighs 13 lbs 14 oz. He is growing quite well. He kept smiling at the nurse and flirting with her like crazy. Boy did she feel bad when she had to give him his shots. Poor little guy. But he is doing great now!

Girls Hair

I found some little curlers at the dollar store. I think they were at the dollar store because they are "old fashioned." But I bought them and decided to try my girls hair in them. Some before and after pictures. The after picture doesn't do it justice, but it actually turned out very well.

Girls Dance Class

In June, a young woman from our ward was offering a dance class. It was only a two hour class and then a performance for the parents. Nothing major, but the girls sure did love it. They still remember the dance and love to perform it. However, where I was sitting, I wasn't able to get great pictures.