Monday, June 30, 2008

Cousin Fun!

What a fun week! My brother Scott and his wife Emilie came up and we got to spend a little time together. Tyler and the girls love seeing their cousins - and so here are some pictures! You guys should come up more often!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Water Park

Yesterday was a beautiful day! Low 80's and a slight breeze. We all loaded up in the van and went to the water park with just about everyone else in Rexburg! The little ones had a ton of fun and poor McKenna, by the end she was shaking so badly because of that slight breeze. I just thought I would post some fun pics. I posted the pictures at the end because in the sunlight it amazed me at how blue their eyes were. Can you believe I have 3 children with all blue eyes? It is awesome!

Country Living

As I was laying in bed at 5:30 this morning, I was reminded of a time when we were traveling to Utah to visit family. Tyler was probably only 2 and the farther we got away from Idaho and closer to Utah, the more he looked perplexed. Finally he said "Mom...where are all of the cows?" Living in Idaho there seems to be a plethora of them and Tyler used to love them! Then I began thinking of the time when we were up in Victor Idaho staying at a cabin. We had to walk to a different cabin to use the restroom facilities. Imagine my fear as I was inside - really needing to take that walk - but hearing an entire pack of wolves howling like crazy. Which brings me to why I was lying awake at 5:30 a.m. (UGH!) . Well, I was laying there listening to a huge herd of elk as they were bugling. They are just down the road from us (about 4 houses down) - and they were extremely loud and obviously happy. If any of you "city" folk would like to experience country living at its best...come on over!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


As this is our first post...I thought I would give you all a little of what we have been up to lately! So be prepared as it may be longer then planned.

Tyler has been out of school for over a week now and he has been enjoying his "free" time. He loves reading so luckily for me that hasn't been hard to push. He will be starting soccer soon and if the weather ever gets warmer, we plan on going camping and to the water park! On May 28th Tyler was in a rodeo at the Madison County Fairgrounds. He did the mutton bustin' event and he did great. He was the first one out of the gate and held on for a good 7 seconds before he fell off. As his mom, I was grateful for the ambulance inside the arena just in case there were any injuries. I think my heart was pounding more then his! For his efforts he was rewarded with a gift certificate at the Riot Zone. So I guess that is something else we will be doing this summer.

McKenna and Kylie just keep growing and truly before I know it they will be in Kindergarten. I am kind of glad they have one more year just so I will be able to spend a little more time with them. Everyone has told me that the first few years are all about survival - and then the fun stuff comes. I didn't realize I was in survival mode until just recently when I am finding the rewards of having twins. It was fun when they were little - but it is extremely more fun now!

McKenna is very much into sports and the rough and tough kind of stuff. She fell in love with the rodeo and the whole scene. She has been after us to be able to be a participator next year. With her though I am afraid once we start - it will never just be the one event and the next thing I know she will be riding bulls. Then my heart will really be pounding. Besides, we all know how I feel about horses. Kylie on the other hand is more sensitive. She loves singing and knows words to all sorts of songs - she picks it up really fast. She can sit for hours looking at books and practicing letters. They are both completely opposite in personalities but are the best of friends - and can be the worst of enemies at times. However, if you mess with one - you will end up with both of their wraths. That should make school fun! :) I pity the poor kid who will be dumb enough to pick on just one of them. As they get older, that bond gets stronger.

Allen is doing great and staying busy. We had a rare weekend where he was actually able to take Friday off, and he had Saturday off and it was nice to spend some time together. He did a lot of work around the yard which is helpful. We are hoping to be able to get to Yellowstone this year and are planning a camping trip in Ashton. Even more exciting is that his ward will not be in operation during the 6 week break in August/September so he will be able to join us at church! We are all really looking forward to that time.

As for me - I keep track and try to keep up with everyone else! Isn't it great?! Every now and again I work in the cashiers office on campus and with the ticket office for various events. I am really enjoying it a lot. I enjoy taking little classes here and there and one day when I have more time...I will spend all of my hours making quilts. I have found that to be very addicting for me!