Not a very fun week it has been for me. I was in bed for nearly 3 days with horrible pain. I called the Dr and they had me come in on Tuesday. They decided to test for kidney stones...came back negative. They did find however that I was dehydrated. I don't think that is the complete problem, but they put an IV in me and gave me two bags of fluid. As the second one was near empty, I got up to try and find a nurse. Then it just emptied - there was nothing there. I finally got a nurse and I went to go back in the room. I found out the reason why they don't let those bags get fully empty. I looked down and there was a lot of blood that was being sucked into the tubing - coming out. I just don't do well with needles, but especially blood. I nearly passed out as they took the tubing off and I could feel the blood gushing and going everywhere. Yucky! They decided to leave the IV part in my arm and told me to come back today.
What an amazing husband I have. Every 4 hours he had to shoot saline solution into the catheter in my arm. So gross. How amazing for him to do that. Words cannot describe how wonderful he has been these last few months! He has done most of the cooking, laundry and heavy duty cleaning, while taking care of me and the kids, and working full time. Everyone asks how I got through twins. I don't think it would have been possible without such a great spouse who just helps where needed!
I went back to the Dr today and they made me promise to try this new anti-nausea medicine. I promised - otherwise they were going to leave that thing in my arm. Kylie was really cute. She kept wanting to hold my hand to make me feel better because dad wasn't there to do it. I thought that was really cute. McKenna just gagged. I guess we know who takes after who!
All is well now. I did however decide to two things: (1) I am never going to go back to the Dr again until this little person comes out and (2) I would never make a good drug addict. I don't care how great the drug is- if you have to shoot up - I would never ever do it!
Claires baptism
3 years ago
OH MY GOSH! I totally didn't know you were pregnant again! Congrats! I though three was the magic number! Not fu with the Dr experience....Jenn I feel bad that I have been missing out! How far along, do you know if it is a boy or girl...I just need to talk to you! Well hope things go better! You'll be in my prayers and you do have an amazing husband.
So I am not sure why it labeled that last comment as tim waterson but that was actually me, Tia, the old RA you know when you were the "red hesident" at Perkins! Love ya!
Oh I know why, I logged in as my husband and he was being weird and created a funny guy named tim waterson, so that is what it is! LOL sometimes I wonder about him :)
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