Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's A....

Had our ultrasound on Monday. We were anxious to know what we are having and so we had hoped they would be able to tell. All of us really wanted a boy, except for Kylie who really wanted a girl. Obviously, we are happy with anything, as long as it is healthy and growing well. We found out it was a boy! Not a lot of great pictures. He wasn't into cooperating at all. But at least we found that everything looks good and normal. He is already 15 ounces and about 10 inches long. We're excited! Of course, we can't agree on any names, so if you have any great suggestions, let us know. Otherwise his name will be Indiana - what the kids are already calling him!


Katie said...

Indiana? What's up with that? Congrats again. I'm with Kylie, I was secretly hoping for a girl...but I'm happy with anything I guess. I'm coming up with some great names that I'll be unveiling soon. Glad everything is going well.

The Riries said...

Yay!!!!!!! Yours, mine and Mel's baby boys will all be so close together!

Andrea said...

Yay! That's really exciting. Good luck with a name! That was the hardest part of having Maci...agreeing on her name! Josh thinks you should name him Josh. He really likes the name :)

Brittany Gain said...

AAHHH!! I think that Indiana would be a perfect name!!! haha, why don't you want that one? jk, girlfriend i'm so happy for you and your family!!

Rich said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! As for names...hmm...Lavell?

- Cynthia

conner posse said...

Indiana Jones!! SWEET!!! :o)