Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tyler's 12th Birthday

It is so hard for me to believe that my oldest is 12. I don't feel that much older so it's weird that the little people keep getting older! For Ty's birthday, he had a birthday party with lots of boys over. We set up the basement with the projector and band hero, food and the wii. They spent a lot of time down there and my favorite part was hearing them sing Taylor Swift songs.  HILARIOUS! After it got darker outside, they spent a long time outside playing night games. All in all, it was a very successful party and Ty had a great time.
As a family, we celebrated Ty's birthday on the 29th. Of course we had to do the "tradition" party hats. Braden gets so excited about these and we have to use them for EVERY birthday. Ty opened presents and had his traditional sam's club chocolate fudge cake!
One of my most favorite things about Ty's birthday weekend was he was ordained a deacon and received the priesthood on Sunday, the 30th. So special and so neat to see him each Sunday pass the sacrament and get excited to collect fast offerings. He also serves in the Deacon Quorum presidency and what a great leadership and learning opportunity for him.
Again, definitely growing up!