Back in June, Madison High School held a basketball camp for girls. McKenna begged and begged and it was a great bargain for only $30. It was a week long and each day during the week they had little things to either dress up in or do and you could win prizes. So for wacky hair day, we did McKenna's hair but she wasn't too happy about it. She was really worried that she was going to look like a freak. Long story short, after MANY tears, this is what I did to her. Before you feel too bad for her, just know that she did win the prize for wacky hair day!
It was a really great camp and McKenna loved it. She gained some new skills and honestly, can outshoot and outplay any of the boys around here her age and some who are even older. She got a t-shirt which she was really excited about. Great opportunity!
I had to throw in another picture of Braden. During the same week as basketball camp, there was a ward carnival/fundraiser and he got his face painted with a snake on it. He was beyond proud if it!