Memorial Weekend started out a little rough for us. On Friday, the 25th, Braden, McKenna and Kylie were outside playing with the neighbors and running around. Our neighbors had a fire going and Braden fell into the fire pit. The poor little kid cried all night - which I don't blame him. Burns are awful. It was hot enough that his shoe melted a little, and the top of his food was really burned. We did the best we could, took him to community care, and babied him. The girls especially were attentive to his needs and whenever he asked for something, they were happy to oblige.
Thankfully, it didn't slow him down too much and by Sunday even though it looked awful and painful, he felt great. By Monday he seemed normal and so we went with our neighbors to cress creek on a hike. I was a little nervous about this hike because the young women had gone a week prior and we've been told that the snakes are really bad this year - more than usual. Not just any snake, but rattlers. Thankfully, we didn't see any snakes and we had a great time.
Tyler exploring the water
Braden at a look out point
The Jones' and Guddat's
Just our family at another lookout point
Braden touching the water
McKenna had to have one also touching the water
Kylie exploring
So much fun that we had to start linining up to take turns!
We had a great time though and decided we should try to hike cress creek a couple times a week. It's a short hike, but definitely gets the blood pumping! On a side note, Braden is doing much better with his foot. Pretty nasty scar, and he remembers well that fire can burn you - so hopefully we won't have that issue again.