Thursday, June 14, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Weekend started out a little rough for us. On Friday, the 25th, Braden, McKenna and Kylie were outside playing with the neighbors and running around. Our neighbors had a fire going and Braden fell into the fire pit. The poor little kid cried all night - which I don't blame him. Burns are awful. It was hot enough that his shoe melted a little, and the top of his food was really burned. We did the best we could, took him to community care, and babied him. The girls especially were attentive to his needs and whenever he asked for something, they were happy to oblige.

Thankfully, it didn't slow him down too much and by Sunday even though it looked awful and painful, he felt great. By Monday he seemed normal and so we went with our neighbors to cress creek on a hike. I was a little nervous about this hike because the young women had gone a week prior and we've been told that the snakes are really bad this year - more than usual. Not just any snake, but rattlers. Thankfully, we didn't see any snakes and we had a great time.

Tyler exploring the water

Braden at a look out point

The Jones' and Guddat's


Just our family at another lookout point


Braden touching the water

McKenna had to have one also touching the water

Kylie exploring

After the hike and some "cool down" time, we had the Guddat's over for shish-ka-bobs and games.  We also made rockets out of magazines and all of the little people (and some big people) enjoyed launching them off.

So much fun that we had to start linining up to take turns!

We had a great time though and decided we should try to hike cress creek a couple times a week. It's a short hike, but definitely gets the blood pumping! On a side note, Braden is doing much better with his foot. Pretty nasty scar, and he remembers well that fire can burn you - so hopefully we won't have that issue again.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Another year of school has come to an end. Again we are so proud of McKenna and Kylie. They worked so hard this year and gave up a couple of recesses every week to run miles. For all of their hard work, they earned a sweatshirt/hoodie as their prize this year. Actually, Kylie was the only one in her class that even ran the full marathon distance. It was fun to go to their awards ceremony and receive these. Great job girls!

Mother's Day Tea

Right after mother's day, my mom and I got to attend Mother's Day tea at the school for McKenna's class. There was a fun little program and they all got to share a poem that they memorized and they served us a fun little array of refreshments and also gave us both a book and a necklace that they made.

This is a little cupcake inside this 'basket' with a sunflower made out of chocolate.

The centerpiece

All of them made a flower with their picture in it and a magnet on the back that was on all of those centerpieces.

Her class singing songs and reciting poems.

A cookie, cake pop and lemonade that the children all served.

Refreshment table, McKenna took this picture!

And finally, a close up shot of this cupcake inside this 'basket'

Seriously, McKenna had an amazing teacher this year - we liked all of our children's teachers, but McKenna's teacher just went all out in everything she did. I know we are really going to miss her because she really helped McKenna blossom so much this year!

It's Great To Be Eight! (Baptism)

The girls were baptized as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 28th, 2012.    It was an amazing day and so exciting. Our ward happened to be in charge of the stake portion and because of that, we had a lot of family participation. My sister Katie played the music for both the stake and the ward portion, her husband Nate gave the opening prayer, McKenna, Kylie, Braden and Tyler along with a couple of other kids all sang 'I am a Child of God' as a special musical number, and my brother Scott shared his testimony after they were baptized. 

The girls were nervous but were grateful that both of them were able to be in the font as the other one was 'dunked.' McKenna basically through herself under the water, I guess she was so excited! 

Allen got to baptize and confirm them members and we felt blessed to have so many family members that were able to attend. 

I hope they always remember this day and the spirit that they felt. I hope they always strive to have the spirit with them. We are so proud of them and their decision.

Family Party

We just partied all weekend long! On Sunday, the day after the big party, we had a small little family party. My parents were able to come over and had cake and presents. 

As a continuation of the luau them, we had a fun little beach themed cake.

Yep, we were excited for the party!

Braden loved the flip flop luggage tag on top of the cake. He took it and was having a hard time figuring out why they didn't fit so well.

The girls were spoiled. Gift cards, money, new scriptures...all fun and exciting stuff!

It is amazing to think that these cute girls have been on this earth for 8 years now. I remember when we found out we were having twins, and life hasn't slowed down since. They are very strong and beautiful girls and we feel so blessed to have them in our family!