Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Braden!

We celebrated Braden's 3rd Birthday on March 2nd. This is something that he had been looking forward to for months. Anytime someone would a have a birthday, he would ask if he was next.  A lot of waiting and finally it was time for his. He knew that he wanted cake and definitely birthday candles. He had practiced for weeks, blowing them out. He was of course super excited for presents. The day came and I don't he think he was disappointed.

He got some fun presents - coloring books, little mickey mouse figurines, and a play tent with a tunnel.

We had a Thomas the Train cake. Braden LOVES trains! Although the frosting turned everything blue - and I do mean everything! 

However, all in all, it was a great day! We love having Braden in our family. He has a crazy personality and is very articulate in what he does and doesn't like. Even those days when he is into everything, we really can't imagine our family without him. Happy Birthday Braden!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

February Highlights

I figured since March is almost over, I should post about some of our February highlights!

Since we were sick and gone from church almost the entire month of January, Braden started nursery in February - which was hard at first, but he is back to loving nursery. One day, he came out with this foam crown and he loved it so much that he wore it EVERYWHERE! To the store, to Grandma's, at home and outside. I of course had to get a picture of it. I later asked what the lesson was about, but apparently they just had extra in the closet and decided to give them out. Braden loved it.

Tyler is entering that fun phase of "creative homework" - the kind that I don't look forward to at all. For Valentine's Day, all the kids in the class were given a can that they had to decorate. Luckily, Tyler pretty much knew what he wanted to do - a chess board. Then glued pieces onto an actual chess board for the lid. Pretty fun. I guess the person who "won" made a giant lego out of theirs. Just in case you need some ideas for the future!

Another "memorable" moment was after work one evening, I was laying on my bed talking to my parents on the phone. Braden ran and grabbed my hair brush and a clippy and came out to comb my hair. Yes, he has done that previously so i didn't think anything of it. I get off the phone, turn around and look and he is holing a pair of scissors in his hand. No, I didn't hear him cut my hair - but he did. Lots of chunks. I was shocked to say the least. Allen is positive that one day I will look back on this moment and laugh so he had me take a picture of some of the hair Braden cut off.

Of course I already mentioned Valentine's Day - but Allen brought me home some flowers. It was a nice little surprise!

Tyler got a bobcat gram from school. They mailed it to the parents and then he got to take it to the office and redeem it for a prize. As usual, Tyler is doing great at school and we are grateful for a great teacher!

During President's Day weekend, it actually snowed! The kids were so excited and since we hadn't been sledding at all this year, we went to the BYU-I hill to go sledding. I was nervous for Braden because he hates being cold. He gets so grumpy about it - but he lasted and LOVED it.

In fact, he loved it so much, he was not happy that after a couple of hours we decided to leave. He has some pretty lethal looks. Wish I could catch some of them on camera sometimes.

Then there was the Mitt Romney rally in Idaho Falls. Allen debated about going, and finally decided to go and take Tyler with him. Tyler loved it - he was so excited. He has been watching all of this election stuff with a lot of interest. It was a neat experience for him.

In fact, there was a guy that they knew who actually gave Tyler the sign to keep! Besides Kylie's surgery, that was a condensed version of our February!