Allen took time off work from the 23rd of July until he returned yesterday - the 3rd of August. We sure enjoyed having hime home and did a variety of things while he was here. We started off by going to the pioneer day celebration on the 25th with the LeFevre's. It was a good parade with lots of floats and of course candy. The little people all seemed to enjoy it and we enjoyed being with the LeFevre's.
After the parade we went to Mesa Falls and had a picnic. It was a very HOT day! We hadn't been to Mesa Falls yet - so we walked to see the falls and when we went back to the "inn", they had a telescope set up so we could see an eagle in its nest with its babies. It was pretty cool to see.
We were able to go to Rigby Lake. I know what most of you are thinking...YIKES! However we came out pretty good and no rashes or funguses to speak of. I, however, was not quite so lucky. I was sunburned on my legs and upper arms. It hurt but not horribly. Just this last week it blistered and peeled - and it is still red and looks like it is going to blister and peel again. Blasted sun!
Anyway, the kids all enjoyed themselves and loved just floating around. They have paddle boats you can rent by the hour and so we have to get back there soon to do that before school starts.
We were also able to go to Utah for a very quick visit and meet Morgyn my new niece. She is such a cutie. I don't know what it is - I think all babies are special, but there is something amazing about babies who are in the NICU. So she is another very special little spirit who is absolutely adorable. The best news is we came home to Idaho on Friday, and she was just released last Sunday. She is now at her home enjoying her family!
I also made friends with Samantha - which isn't easy to do. She loves my children, but always just looks at me warily - like she is afraid I am going to snatch her away. Anyway, I let her help me take a picture of Barney - who she loves - and she posed him by herself and we got some great shots of him. Plus some of Samantha and my little people.
Now it is back to the grind and real life and work. *Sigh* It was sure fun having Allen home and always hard to see him go back - but I'm glad for the fun family week we had.