Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rockin' New Years Eve

I know this is out of order, and I don't know why - just be patient! :) Anyway, us Jones' really know how to party. At first, we weren't sure if Allen would be able to join us or not - but they worked very very hard all day and were done around 5:30 p.m. We ate nachos for dinner and of course had "party" food. We also played band hero - which was actually extremely fun. I have decided I missed my true calling in life. I totally rock on the drums - I amaze even myself. Tyler pretty much kept the microphone - he sure does love to sing. And the girls were good at doing it all. Around 10 p.m. the girls went off to bed, but Tyler was determined to make it until midnight. So with everyone else asleep, including Allen, Ty and I watched the ball drop in times square and Ty then promptly went to bed and straight asleep. It was a fun night just hanging out together.


Erin said...

Sounds like a super fun night! We missed you guys...we need to have a party night soon.