Sunday, March 14, 2010

So innocent?

It never ceases to amaze me that something so cute and cuddley, so peaceful and quiet,

so calm, little and innocent.......
Could cause so much havoc and destruction!!

This was our crock pot lid. The crock pot that was sitting on the shelf in the pantry. He pulled it down. It shattered. Braden screamed and cried a lot. Allen quickly got him out of the kitchen and gave him to the older kids as he figured out a way to block the kitchen off. The older children started screaming...."Braden is bleeding!" Allen cleans him up. We hope there is no glass stuck in his foot. We decided to wait it out until the morning to see how it looked.

I went in and picked him up in the morning and I look down at his foot. It is all purple - like almost a black kind of a purple. Allen and I freak out a little. Then Allen reminded me that I was holding him. He has some sort of a circulation problem and you hold him for a second and he turns purple. All is well. He can walk and climb on it still. It hasn't seem to slowed him down at all.

Don't mind the messy floor of the first picture. I had actually just scrubbed the floors this day, and by that night, had to do it all again. This is the glass all swept up into a couple of piles, and it is a deceiving picture. It had shattered and their were glass slivers all over the entire floor. I had to sweep and mop a couple of times, trying to get the glass up. Hopefully nobody finds any little pieces. I think Allen and I are ready to get a lock for our pantry. The older ones keep leaving the door open and that is how Braden is getting in. We have come to realize, just another typical day at our house lately!


Erin said...

Wow! It's good that it didn't land on his head! What a traumatic experience for everyone involved! Making me feel better all the time about not having more kids. I don't think I could handle it. Way to go parents.

Katie said...

hehehe!! Correction Jenn, that WAS your crock pot lid. Not anymore. Sorry that happened to you all. I'd definitely buy some sort of lock.