Monday, February 8, 2010

Church Stuff

So here is what's up with church. In January I was given a calling to be the laurel advisor, but it just so happened to work out that I haven't had to teach yet until today - Valentine's Day. I was nervous accepting this calling because Braden sure isn't the easiest little person to deal with lately. He does not like to cuddle, or sit still for that matter. He likes to be heard and makes all sorts of LOUD sounds. I haven't made it through a sacrament meeting inside the chapel for a very long time, and during sunday school and relief society I am always out in the hall. So I didn't know how I was going to deal with Braden when I am supposed to be teaching. However, I accepted the calling anyway.

When I came home that day in January, I had a new text message from Allen. He was going to be released. YAY! Yay for him that he can have a sunday nap and enjoy lunch with us and yay for us that he will get to be at church again with us. So, last Sunday the 7th of February, he was released and it just so happened that today was the first day he was able to come to church with us. It is like a little piece of heaven! :)

I have been extremely busy so far with young womens. New Beginnings, mutual activities and meetings. But, I am excited for this new change.

Since I don't have any specific pictures to put in here, I decided to put one in of Braden who is testing every limit possible. What a cutie!


Katie said...

Braden testing limits and making LOUD sounds? Nah....not him!! :)