Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day of School

We were so excited for the first day of school to start. McKenna woke up around 5:30 a.m. - ready to get going. Tyler even woke up with just a few soft beeps from his alarm clock. Kylie is mine. She likes to sleep in! Tyler played it really cool and left pretty quickly when he could. His teacher is Mr. Moss and he really seems to enjoy him so far. This is Ty before he left.

We had some time before the girls had to leave, and all I heard every 5 minutes was "is it time yet?" They were so excited to get to school and I was equally as excited for them. This is them outside before we started walking to the bus stop.

Then we met up with their friend Jocelyn. She is in the other kindergarten afternoon class - but they have been "playing" riding the bus for quite a long time. This is them all together and of course a shot of their back packs that they were so excited about.

And this is the bus as it drove away. It was so late and there were so many bus problems this day. The driver said it was because of all of the parents that stop to take pictures. I didn't understand this, because my picture taking doesn't cause the bus to stop longer then normal. I later learned that there were so many parents who actually follow their child on the bus, take pictures of them sitting in their seat, follow the bus , get on the bus and take pictures of their child getting off the bus. Sorry if I offend, but seriously! Can we say helicopter parents???


Drew and Brandi said...

Ha ha Love it -
Helicopter parents-
I find myself using that term more and more.
Back off yo!