Thursday, September 3, 2009

Braden Update

Yes...he's a crawler! He started crawling last month (before he was 6 months old), and he likes to pull himself up into a standing position. I actually was going to try and post this last week - but since I haven't, I will share what happened to him on Monday.

I blocked off the stairs with some totes that were full of stuff and actually pretty heavy to move. Tyler was watching him and playing with him while I was doing dishes. Tyler got up to open the door and I am not sure how - but he got his hand slammed in the door. So I was taking care of that problem when I heard Braden screaming. I looked around and somehow he had gotten through my "gate" and he fell all the way down the stairs. My heart stopped of course - and it was even worse when I went running down and saw that he had a bloody nose! I took him to the Dr. right away - they checked him out and told me he was okay but just to watch for bruising on his head. I of course had a sleepless night as I listened all night to make sure he was still breathing! Anyway, all is well now with him. These pictures aren't the greatest - but you get the general idea.


Erin said...

First, Braden looks so cute in his crawling "stance." Second, I would have had a heart attack if my 6 month old fell down a whole flight of stairs!