Monday, June 11, 2012

Mother's Day Tea

Right after mother's day, my mom and I got to attend Mother's Day tea at the school for McKenna's class. There was a fun little program and they all got to share a poem that they memorized and they served us a fun little array of refreshments and also gave us both a book and a necklace that they made.

This is a little cupcake inside this 'basket' with a sunflower made out of chocolate.

The centerpiece

All of them made a flower with their picture in it and a magnet on the back that was on all of those centerpieces.

Her class singing songs and reciting poems.

A cookie, cake pop and lemonade that the children all served.

Refreshment table, McKenna took this picture!

And finally, a close up shot of this cupcake inside this 'basket'

Seriously, McKenna had an amazing teacher this year - we liked all of our children's teachers, but McKenna's teacher just went all out in everything she did. I know we are really going to miss her because she really helped McKenna blossom so much this year!