Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Keeping up with the Jones

Yes..I'm a slacker. October has been an extremely busy month, however, here are a few things we've been up to.

Spirit Week Fall 09! Went to a couple of the activities and of course I worked at the rodeo again so the family came and enjoyed it for a little bit. It was busy crazy, and nobody participated this time, but fun none the less. Here is a picture from the torch lighting. the girls really wanted their picture taken in front of it.

Allen was put in jail! Well, not real jail. He was asked to go to jail to help the mda society. He was supposed to raise bail money. We thank everyone who contributed to help "spring him". This is a picture they took of him in jail - before they fed the inmates. Personally, I think the stripes do him well!
Unfortunately, we had a bit of sadness. Our brother in law - Allen's oldest sisters husband - died of cancer on the 8th. Allen and I were able to get to the funeral on the 17th. It was a nice service and it made us walk away having a desire to be better. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

Then there was the swine flu! I got a phone call from the school one thursday afternoon on the 15th telling me Ty couldn't breathe. I went and picked him up and he was just extremely tired and his whole body hurt. Friday morning I took him the dr and they had us go to the hospital for lab work. They tested for flu, plus pneumonia and x-rays and did a blood work up. Unfortunately, he was so tired and dehydrated, they didn't get much blood from him. It was sad to watch him lie there and didn't even cry every single time the needle went in (which was about 4 times), each in different spots. He sure did get some nasty bruises though. He was unable to come to the funeral, and by the time Allen and I got home from the funeral, I was unable to move also. It just sort of circled through all of us. Of course it was with Tyler the longest. He did turn blue. Thankfully, I know he was being watched over and he is finally starting to feel better.

Allen and I also had the opportuntity to go to Provo for a night. Allen had some meetings that started at 1 p.m. on Friday the 23rd. I attended his meetings with him and we stopped by to say hi to a dear old friend. We learned all sorts of things. Saturday morning we returned home. While we miss friends and acquaintances, the trees and mountains (and they are spectacular right now), and we miss conveniences - we sure don't miss the traffic! UGH! It was a fun quick trip and we wished we had a little more time to see things we really wanted to. Oh well. Maybe soon we'll go again.